Ok, So I've spent considerable spare minutes playing with html code for fun and goofing with
my other blog as if it will ever have more than the one faithful reader (Gotta love Marie,), but in the mean time The Tale of Three goes neglected.
In the mean time, Chuckles has turned four, and at any given moment he has a chance of informing you that he'll be five in ten minutes. That's not a direct quote, but it's close enough to get a chuckle out of me.
Giggles has taken to dancing. She's actually quite practiced, but you just hafta' love the 2 1/2 year old gracefully flailing arms. It's the fluttering eyelashes and the smile that really melt me though.
Silliness has decided it is time to assert her will. Needless to say, that's not so silly in the eyes of Mama and Papa Chanoli. She can go from smiling to barking in 0.5 seconds or less.
Chuckles came out of the restroom the other day after extracting something he wanted from Silliness' hands, to which she responded with a loud audible outburst. He was nearly in tears as he announced, "She barked at me!"
How do you not laugh at that?
On a serious note, there is one major event in the life of our extended family that has commanded a fair amount of our attention and nearly perpetual prayers as our thoughts gravitate continuously toward someone very close to us. Most anyone who reads this blog and has any clue who we really are will already be aware, but just in case someone stumbles across this blog and happens to actually read it, please take
this link to another blog and at the very least pay attention to the prayer requests listed there. If you are a believer in Christ our Savior, then please lay your prayers before the throne of our gracious God and add your voice to the chorus of petitions that are being laid at His feet for Karen.
If you are not a believer in the Christ of the Bible, then I know that Karen and anyone else who matters to us would want you to rather pray that God would soften your heart and bless you with the gift of faith in Him.
Either way, take a look at what has occurred in little more than a week at the time of this posting and see why we as Christians turn toward God with humility and tears of thanksgiving. There is a testimony that will reach deep into your heart at