Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Seasons Past

The Holidays are past and life returns to our version of normal. I miss the holidays, but I miss the normal. Weird.

I passed up a few opportunities to post great quotes from the little ones and am now struggling to remember the nuances of those conversations.

This one is easy to remember because it had me in a momentarily profound state of confusion. We were driving home from church one Sunday, and were listening to one of our families favorite Christmas Cd's. At a quiet point between songs, Giggles, from the back of the Blue Bullet made a request, "Can I have more light in my darkness?"

That caught my attention. "What did you say?" I called from the drivers seat as I reached to turn down the audio.

"Can I have more light in my darkness please?" she answered.

Now you should understand that this girl is not yet three years old. My mind was suddenly turning in circles trying to figure out how Giggles could form such a concept. I was soon to realize that I was seriously over analyzing the comment.

I asked Mama Chanoli, "Did you hear that?"


"Giggles just asked for more light in her darkness."

"Oh. Yeah, I heard that, why?" she responded.

Little did I know that my confusion was about to be fully exposed. "Where on earth did she get a concept like that?" I asked.

Mama chuckled, "She's asking to hear the song again."

I was slow on the uptake. "Huh?"

"That's what she calls the song." she replied dubiously.

We had been listening to the song Breath Of Heaven by Amy Grant and Giggles had simply locked onto the lyrics of the part she liked most in order to ask to hear it again.

Here I was thinking that in the last 20 minutes the girl had grown up. I was wondering what part of the Lords day sermon I had missed.

At least Mama got a good chuckle out of it.

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One among us needs your prayers. Please link to http://www.welovekaren.blogspot.com for current prayer request updates.

Our family thanks you.
Papa Chanoli


Anonymous said...

Tell you what...that little Giggles is that smart. She's going to be reading before you know it and you will be warn just trotting off to the libraries to keep her in books. Chuckles will have to get over his feet to keep up with Giggles then....look out...Silliness will be be passing them both up. Amazing children and I know this first hand because I am their Gma.
FYI...passed a fellow on the freeway yesterday driving along with a tissue stuffed up his nose. He had the drip controled for the time being but he looked miserable. CA isn't the only place with winter bugs.

Anonymous said...

Okay, just 'cause gma hasn't posted is no reason for you to stop. You have more posting fodder there!!! What's new at your place?

Melanie said...

Yeah....I miss your stories too! Hope everything is okay at the Chanoli home! Miss you guys!

Nan said...

That is so cute!! I'm sure she will bowl you over a few hundred times as she grows with her shocking depth of clarity. My kids always do that and it does send me reeling sometimes. :^)


Anonymous said...

Okeey Dokeey then...so much for blogging. Email pictures often will you? It's a long way up here but news helps.

Nan said...

Dude (and Mrs. Dude)!! You need to blog! :^D