Saturday, November 18, 2006


We are all ill. An unforgiving cold virus is my assumption, but it hit the little ones first. Of course they acted almost as though nothing was wrong and only Chuckles really seemed all that sick. Then the bomb hit. I caught it and am sicker than a wet stray dog in winter. I hoped that Mama would be spared, but now it seems to be her turn.

Needless to say, posting here has been the least thing on my mind, even though the Chanoli gang is as entertaining as ever.

I hope to bring you some of their clever quotes soon, but for now it's time for healing up.

Blog at ya' soon.

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One among us needs your prayers. Please link to for current prayer request updates.

Our family thanks you.
Papa Chanoli

1 comment:

Melanie said...

OH DEAR! I can just hear you now...all stuffed up and talking funny like you are holding your nose! LOL! I am sorry that you are all sick! We will be praying for a quick recovery as I am sure it is no fun at all! Sending you lots of get well hugs and thoughts of Kleenex and chicken noodle soup.....

Love you all so much!

And Happy Lord's Day tomorrow!