Giggles took a bath tonight. Actually she took her second bath, but tonight during dinner she decided to rub mayonnaise in her hair so she scored another soaking.
The best way I know to get Chuckles out of the bath is to subtly change the water to cold until he asks to get out. (It's easier when it's his choice.)
I tried the same technique on Giggles, but with unexpected results. As the water got colder she just acted like it wasn't happening. She'd fill her bath-toy cup up at the spout and dump it over her legs with a shiver and a giggle as she looked up at me saying, "That's very warm daddy!"
Needless to say, I had to see how far she'd go with it, so I gradually made the water colder. I admit, the girl's got a stubborn streak. I had it full on cold and all she did was get a little reluctant to pour it on her legs until she looked up at me with a slight tint of blue coming over her, "I think I'm done with my bath now" she said. Standing there with a nice thick towel to warm her, I asked if she wanted to dump the water on her legs one more time. She didn't look too thrilled about the idea, but she did it.
I guess it's ok to be a little nervous about how that characteristic will play out when she's a teen. I think I'll pray about that one tonight.
For now it's cute.
I bet that nice towel felt good.
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Papa Chanoli