Thursday, November 30, 2006

A Graceful Chuckle

Our home is currently graced by a visit from Gma and Papa. They traveled far to come see the Chanoli gang, and with them in the house we are certain to have much in the way of chuckles, giggles and silliness. For the sake of clarity, the Papa referred to here is Grandpa.

So tonight, we were at the dinner table. (Imagine that!)

Chuckles really does like having his Grandpa around. I've never seen him want to be so close to anybody beside myself or Mama Chanoli.

Papa was sitting next to Chuckles at the dinner table. Chuckles was nibbling prematurely at his meal, the content of which will be evident in a moment.

Chuckles had done a fine job of thanking our Lord for the meal at lunchtime so naturally Papa asked Chuckles, "Are you gonna' say grace?"

Chuckles replied in as serious a tone as you can imagine, "Nope. I don't have any grace, I'm having cornbread."

That's my boy. 80 grit smooth.

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One among us needs your prayers. Please link to for current prayer request updates.

Our family thanks you.
Papa Chanoli

Monday, November 27, 2006

Dinner Silliness

A little pre-dinner Silliness

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Clandestine Operations

Calling all support units, I need some backup. This mission will require a united front.

Mama Chanoli left for a few hours today, and I'm C.O. of the troops. We've had a number of successful missions today, but this next mission is highly sensitive.

During preparations for today's mission objectives, orders came down to not let the troops have any milk. It's on a need to know basis, but recon says it's so the milk doesn't aggravate the enemy cold bug that has invaded the local nasal passages, thereby increasing hostilities.

It's to late people, the troops have already been supplied with hot chocolate.

In order to prevent my summary execution before the firing squad, we need to convince HQ that hot chocolate is NOT a milk product. Repeat; hot chocolate is absolutely NOT a milk product.

Under any other circumstances this information would remain top secret, but further recon indicates that the troops have loose lips.

Stick with me on this people. If HQ gets word of this procedural error we'll all need to stick together. Again, a united front is mandatory. Hot chocolate is NOT a milk product.

Don't forget it.

Over and out.

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One among us needs your prayers. Please link to for current prayer request updates.

Our family thanks you.
Papa Chanoli

Unabashed Advertisement

While we were all sick this past week, Mama Chanoli and I managed to watch the Arts and Entertainment mini-series version of the Jane Austin book, "Pride and Prejudice." We loved the dialogue, and the story line drew us in. I have yet to read the book, but we will definitely read it very soon since the book is always so much better than the movie.

In this case it looks as though Arts and Entertainment did their best to remain true to the story and do justice to this acclaimed classic book. Their choices in actors and actress' could not have been better.

I give this movie my highest recommendation for your entertainment pleasure.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Sleepy Lobes

Chuckles is suffering an unusual malady right now. He told Mama that he has a yawn in his ear. She, being the diligent Mama that she is, immediately informed me so that we could inspect his ear.

I asked him which ear had the yawn. It was his right ear. I had him lay down on the couch so I could take a close look. He was very cooperative. He won't let you put a band-aid anywhere on his body without extreme difficulty, but he'll yield to an ear yawn inspection with no trouble at all.

I looked in his ear for a moment and confirmed the presence of the yawn for him saying, "That's quite a yawn you have in your ear Chuckles."

"Yeah, it's a big yawn." he replied dead-pan.

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One among us needs your prayers. Please link to for current prayer request updates.

Our family thanks you.
Papa Chanoli

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Silly Putty

Some faces contort, some distort, others seem to be more like silly putty they are so expressive. That would be Silliness' face.

(Please ignore the time of this post, I'm the midnight cougher right now.)

Since the cold bug is the latest family theme, I will try to describe some of the cold induced, putty-like Silliness I have witnessed today, but first I must build the setting.

Silliness has a 14 month old obsession with tissues. A couple of days ago, while dear Mama Chanoli was trying to keep up with four sicklings, she walked into our living-room and yelped. Silliness bellowed a comedic response. I was coming down the stairs just in time to witness the bellowing and her arms outstretched as if to say she wasn't a party to this crime. Silliness was looking down at where she had just nearly emptied a new box of tissues into a white cloud around her feet.

Silliness then began to scold,(herself?) with her pointer finger pointing in the air and shaking side to side. Her tongue was wagging audibly against her upper lip rapidly, in the time honored way that children say everything and nothing at once while she looked back and forth between Mama and I. Laughing and coughing was the response she got, since scolding from her looks more like an angry songbird sitting on a branch than anything else. Needless to say we've done our best to keep tissues out of her reach since then. This wasn't the first episode in that story.

To add to the picture in your mind, know that when I blow my nose, well, the neighbors might wonder if there's been a foghorn installed in the neighborhood. You've all heard the sound, if not from me, then from somebody else who blows his nose too hard. You'll have to envision that sound fully to get the effect I'm after here.

Yesterday I blew my nose in my way. Naturally before I did, I grabbed a tissue out of the newly formed zip-loc bag of tissues, but an extra tissue drifted to the floor. Silliness pounced on it, but it was only the one tissue so I decided to let her have it.

I blew, the fog rolled in, and the foghorn echoed. Echoed? I wasn't finished so I blew again. Again there was the echo. I looked down at Silliness who had the tissue pressed to her forehead with one hand. Her lips were pressed together doing a near perfect impression of the sound I make blowing my nose.

Laughing, coughing etc...

I was glad I was able to get her to repeat the stunt for Mama later in the day. Some things in life should not be missed.

On that note, take a moment to appreciate the fun parts of the loved ones near you and then click the link below and send a quick prayer up to the God who gave this all to you. Be reminded that the small things in life grow ever more valuable as time goes by, and every one of those small things is given by Gods grace and kindness. To God alone be the glory.

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One among us needs your prayers. Please link to for current prayer request updates.

Our family thanks you.
Papa Chanoli

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Laughing and Coughing

I have determined conclusively that laughing is not good when you are struck with a coughing fit.

At this point, nobody in our home has been spared this cold.

Today during lunch, when we would preferably have been enjoying a meal with our church family on our Lord's day, I was struck with a coughing fit. One of those fits where the more you cough, the more it makes you cough so you cough and cough and cough. Giggles was watching this particular fit intently... with a smile on her face.

Just as the fit subsided I looked at her and she said in her cutest little girl voice, "You're a good cougher Daddy!"

This was naturally answered by laughter, and more coughing.

Chuckles, shortly after that was overcome by all the humor I guess. He misquoted someone somewhere, "That's cracking me out."

More laughter... more coughing etc...

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One among us needs your prayers. Please link to for current prayer request updates.

Our family thanks you.
Papa Chanoli

Saturday, November 18, 2006


We are all ill. An unforgiving cold virus is my assumption, but it hit the little ones first. Of course they acted almost as though nothing was wrong and only Chuckles really seemed all that sick. Then the bomb hit. I caught it and am sicker than a wet stray dog in winter. I hoped that Mama would be spared, but now it seems to be her turn.

Needless to say, posting here has been the least thing on my mind, even though the Chanoli gang is as entertaining as ever.

I hope to bring you some of their clever quotes soon, but for now it's time for healing up.

Blog at ya' soon.

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One among us needs your prayers. Please link to for current prayer request updates.

Our family thanks you.
Papa Chanoli

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Friday, November 10, 2006

Worth seeing once:

Now I don't really need a blender right now, at least, not enough to justify the purchase of one, but if I did, I'm thinking this is the one to get.

From what I've seen, the extra links on this page can be pretty random, so preview this before linking up with little ones in the room.

I almost don't believe this actually happened:

Blending 50 marbles:

And for your extra viewing pleasure, blending Golf Balls!:

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One among us needs your prayers. Please link to for current prayer request updates.

Our family thanks you.
Papa Chanoli

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Not funny, This one is need to know:

I just read this from a link on a friends blog to this blog. I don't know anything about the links on this page, but since a lot of our friends with children read the Chanoli blog I want to pass this information on.

Please at least read the beginning. This is a safety warning and I think it's relevant. I've used this product and it works great with almost unbelievable results. I was suspicious of it's content just because it works so good, but I wouldn't have guessed at this side effect.

Magic Eraser burns:

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One among us needs your prayers. Please link to for current prayer request updates.

Our family thanks you.
Papa Chanoli

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Extra Fun

Tonight our home is blessed by the presence of a friend we will call Miss Mach2 for the sake of her quick wit. She has been playing with the Chanoli gang while Mama and I try to catch up on our duties.

Miss Mach2 joined us for dinner this evening also, and that earned her a place in the blog because after all, that seems to be where all our material comes from.

Miss Mach2 was seated between Chuckles and Giggles for the duration of the meal, and was keeping up a dialogue with them both. Chuckles was in imagination mode and was explaining to Miss Mach2 that we don't have cars. <<(envision my head shaking in befuddlement)>>

At one point Chuckles told her that he can't drive cars, and she of course asked him why.

"I don't know." he explained.

"Your legs are too short. Even if we put the seat all the way forward your feet still wouldn't reach the pedals." Miss Mach2 said, egging him on.

Chuckles, in true form replied, "Yep, I need extra legs."

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One among us needs your prayers. Please link to for current prayer request updates.

Our family thanks you.
Papa Chanoli

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Words Of The Day

Deewishus, as in "Mama, this toothpaste is deewishus." (Chuckles)

Moo-ah, said after giving Mama a really big kiss. (Giggles)

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One among us needs your prayers. Please link to for current prayer request updates.

Our family thanks you.
Papa Chanoli

Monday, November 06, 2006

Ok, so I goofed up!

Tonight at Dinner... (a common refrain at this point.)

I was working at keeping Giggles' attention on eating her meal, doing all the weird little things we do to convince our little ones that they really do want to take the next bite.

My trick this time was to point to, (touch, tickle) her stomach and tell her that this was where she wanted to put her food.

It would have been helpful to point out that there was a designated route. No sooner had I said it than both Chuckles and Giggles had their shirts up and were inserting bite sized pieces of pork into their belly-buttons.

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One among us needs your prayers. Please link to for current prayer request updates.

Our family thanks you.
Papa Chanoli

Friday, November 03, 2006

Help me now

It seems that the funny things that I can remember well enough to post usually happen at the dinner table. Don't ask me why, 'cause I dunno'.

Tonight we had ketsup on the side as dippin' sauce. It was good. Chuckles was happy with himself because he had squirted some on his plate, "all by myself," like a good 4 year old.
After that mighty feat, he was satisfied to have the ketsup and mustard containers lined up in front of him on the table, until I had the audacity to want some ketsup.

Without asking, I reached over and took the ketsup, squirted a bit on my plate and placed it on the table in front of me. He was watching. Little did I know how important it was that I place it back in front of Chuckles. He promptly protested in a very 4 year old manner, "Daddy, give that back to me!"

You can imagine that a suitable admonishment was forth-coming, but he protested further, "Daddy, put that back, now!" Imagine that, a 4 year old being demanding. Has anybody ever heard of such a thing? Further admonishment was what he got in return.

Other than the words of training, I generally ignored his request until it was given properly, but Chuckles had another angle to try. He tapped Mama Chanoli on the leg, waiting patiently for her to turn her attention to him, and when she did, he stated in a quiet tone, "Mommy, I need some help with Daddy."

I couldn't help but laugh. Mama just smiled, for little did I know that this marked an accomplishment for her. She asked, "Do you know why he did that?"

I promptly replied, "Nope."

"I've been teaching them to come to one of us when they have difficulty with each other."

Now I was the one smiling.

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One among us needs your prayers. Please link to for current prayer request updates.

Our family thanks you.
Papa Chanoli