Friday, November 03, 2006

Help me now

It seems that the funny things that I can remember well enough to post usually happen at the dinner table. Don't ask me why, 'cause I dunno'.

Tonight we had ketsup on the side as dippin' sauce. It was good. Chuckles was happy with himself because he had squirted some on his plate, "all by myself," like a good 4 year old.
After that mighty feat, he was satisfied to have the ketsup and mustard containers lined up in front of him on the table, until I had the audacity to want some ketsup.

Without asking, I reached over and took the ketsup, squirted a bit on my plate and placed it on the table in front of me. He was watching. Little did I know how important it was that I place it back in front of Chuckles. He promptly protested in a very 4 year old manner, "Daddy, give that back to me!"

You can imagine that a suitable admonishment was forth-coming, but he protested further, "Daddy, put that back, now!" Imagine that, a 4 year old being demanding. Has anybody ever heard of such a thing? Further admonishment was what he got in return.

Other than the words of training, I generally ignored his request until it was given properly, but Chuckles had another angle to try. He tapped Mama Chanoli on the leg, waiting patiently for her to turn her attention to him, and when she did, he stated in a quiet tone, "Mommy, I need some help with Daddy."

I couldn't help but laugh. Mama just smiled, for little did I know that this marked an accomplishment for her. She asked, "Do you know why he did that?"

I promptly replied, "Nope."

"I've been teaching them to come to one of us when they have difficulty with each other."

Now I was the one smiling.

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One among us needs your prayers. Please link to for current prayer request updates.

Our family thanks you.
Papa Chanoli


Marie said...

Problem is, then they start coming to you about a thousand times a day.

I don't have a solution, I'm just sayin'. :)

Papa Chanoli said...

I figure, they're coming a thousand times a day anyway, at least this way it's polite instead of demanding.

Now don't take me wrong. I'm just sayin' too, because now that I've posted it, it'll probably go right back to demanding.
